: Jurnal Studi Islam2024-07-31T13:23:44+00:00M. Nur khotibul Umammn.khotibulumam@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Qolamuna </strong><strong>:</strong> <strong>Research Jounals and Islamic Studies </strong>is published on cooperation Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Miftahul Ulum Lumajang and Research and Service Institution Center (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat or P3M) of College for Sharia Studies of Miftahul Ulum Lumajang. This journal contains a lot of studies about Research and Islamic studies, such as Islamic education, the Shari'ah, Islamic thoughts, economics, and other Islamic related studies. This journal is published twice a year in July and February.</p> <p>Editors invite academicians, lecturers, and researchers to join and to contribute in this journal. The selected languages used in this journal are Indonesian, English and Arabic.</p> <p>The journal is publicly accessed, which means that all of contents are provided with no charge for either individual user or institution. Users are allowed to read, to download, to copy, to distribute, to print out, to search, or to cite to the full text of the article for legal puposes and did not have to ask permission from the publisher or the author.<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2460-6049 (print)<br /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2502-4299 (online)</a> <br /><strong>Official Address :</strong> Jalan Raya Banyuputih Kidul Jatiroto<strong> </strong>Po. Box. 101 Lumajang 67355 Jawa Timur Telp. (0334) 882800 <br /><strong>Email:</strong> <a title="" href=""></a></p> Thinking Of Harun Nasution: The Renewal Of Islamic Moral Education In Indonesia2024-07-09T05:49:15+00:00safwa<p><em>Education </em><em>aims to </em><em>realize the perfection of civilization and human dignity. Education </em><em>is also always in process and undergoing renewal according to </em><em>the time required</em><em>, all with a standard</em> <em>that produces good intellectual, moral,</em> <em>and spiritual qualities for students. </em><em>Harun Nasution (1919-1998), as the object of this literature research,</em> <em>had progressive ideas and contributions regarding moral education </em><em>in </em><em>Islamic education reform, both in </em><em>his thought arguments </em><em>and </em><em>in </em><em>the development of institutions</em><em>. This was confirmed </em><em>when </em><em>he was at </em><em>IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta by getting used to rational, scientific </em><em>reform thinking to grow and develop at the Islamic University</em><em>. </em><em>In arguing for renewal</em><em>, Harun emphasizes </em><em>the importance of a sensible attitude in strengthening moral education so as </em><em>not to be trapped in traditional </em><em>thinking</em><em>. </em><em>Therefore, every ritual </em><em>and other religious obligation taught in educational institutions must not be interpreted only as knowledge ordered according to law and its formal form </em><em>but </em><em>must aim to realize noble moral development. </em><em>Therefore, the main instrument in building </em><em>moral education </em><em>for Harun Nasution</em> <em>is </em><em>always to use ratio and heart </em><em>to maintain </em><em>balance </em><em>in life</em><em>. Students are seen as righteous when they understand that thinking or reasoning is the task of science, honing morals, and the heart is a religious task, but both must have a balance. The creation of spiritual and physical balance indicates upholding moral education. </em><em>On the other hand, </em><em>social inequality </em><em>will </em><em>occur when the balance of knowledge and morals </em><em>is lost.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong> : Harun Nasution, moral education, rational thinking.<br /></em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Karakteristik Tafsir Fi Dzilal Al-Qur’an Karya Sayyid Qutb Dan Signifikansinya Terhadap Nilai-Nilai Maqasid Al-Qur’an 2024-06-12T08:13:20+00:00Wildah Nurul Naufal<p>Tafsir fi Dzilal al-Qur’an karya Sayyid Qutb merepresentasikan kondisi sosial dan politik di Mesir yang bergejolak. Dengan berbekal pada keilmuan yang dimilikinya, Qutb telah menghasilkan karya tafsir yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Seringkali kritik dari pakar ulama tafsir ditujukan padanya atas paradigma berpikir yang dianggap ekstrim termasuk dalam penafsiran ayat Al-Qur’an. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan fokus menganalisis karakteristik tafsir fi Dzilal al-Qur’an dan signifikasinya terhadap nilai-nilai maqasid al-qur’an. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan library research. Untuk mendapatkan data-data hasil penelitian, maka digunakan dokumentasi sebagi metode pengumpulan data dan content analysis<br />sebagai metode analisis data. Hasil penelitian ini mencakup dua hal. Pertama, karakteristik dalam tafsir ini bisa dilihat dari paradigma tafsir Qutb sebagai basis penafsirannya, yaitu adanya transformasi pandangan terhadap Al-Qur’an; dari tujuan sastrawi ke purifikasi dan gagasan hermeneutis berbasis paradigma teokratik. Kedua, terdapat signifikansi penafsiran ayat terhadap nilai-nilai maqasid al-qur’an yaitu nilai keadilan, tanggung jawab dalam ketauhidan, kemanusiaan (kejujuran, kesabaran, kesopanan tingkah laku, jalinan kasih sayang, rendah hati atau tidak sombong, persatuan dan kesatuan), persamaan kedudukan manusia dan pendidikan akhlak. <br /><br /><strong>Keywords</strong> : tafsir fi Dzilal al-Qur’an, Sayyid Qutb,signifikansi,maqasid al-qur’an</p> <p> </p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Profil Pelajar Rahmatan Lil'alamin (Analisis Dampaknya Terhadap Pengalaman Beragama) 2024-06-12T08:09:11+00:00Sri Wulan Saripai3sriwulan@gmail.comAhmad Fauzul Azmi Purbasitizahra1640@gmail.comFauzul Azmi Gadis Ayuni<p>This research discusses the concept of the rahmatan lil'alamin profile (analysis of its impact on students' religious experiences). The type of research used in this paper is descriptive qualitative. Then for data collection techniques using library research which is very related to this discussion. The results of this research show that it is necessary to know what the concept of Rahmatan Lil'alamin's student profile actually looks like so that it can be used as a role model for students who study it. And the impact that Rahmatan Lil'alamin has on students' religious experiences is that students no longer commit violations at school because they know the sanctions they will receive. And students who understand the impact of rahmatan lil'alamin will continue to take care of themselves and control themselves to be on the right path. <br /><br /><em><strong>Keywords</strong> : Student Concept, Rahmatan Lil'alamin, Religious Experience</em></p> <p> </p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Tatar Di Polandia: Pencarian Identitas Dan Integrasi Dalam Konteks Multikulturalisme Eropa2024-07-15T08:08:01+00:00noer syo imnoersyoim@gmail.comProf. Dr. H. Abd A’la,<p><em>One of the oldest Muslim communities in Europe, the Tatar minority in Poland struggles to preserve its cultural and religious identity while assimilating into a largely Christian culture. This study looks at how they defend minority rights, celebrate their culture, and educate others in an effort to maintain their identity. The Polish government's support for integration and its programs that foster cultural variety are also examined. An examination of secondary data and a review of the literature were part of the qualitative methodology. The study's findings</em><br /><em>demonstrate that, despite advancements, prejudice and preconceptions persist, and young people still struggle to stay true to who they are. Therefore, to foster integration and promote cultural variety in Poland and throughout Europe, ongoing efforts in education, youth participation, civil society collaboration, and inclusive policies are required.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong> : Tatar Muslims, Poland, Multiculturalism</em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Pemanfaatan Teknologi Dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-06-03T05:49:04+00:00Sovia Harahaphsovia3@gmail.comAdi Zulkifli Boangmanaluadizulkifli0711@gmail.comChairunnisachairunnisaa2003@gmail.comAmelia Putriameliaput160503@gmail.comHadis<p><em>This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of using technology in supporting Islamic Religious Education learning, therefore the aim of this research focuses on two studies, namely: the effectiveness of using technology in PAI learning and factors inhibiting the effectiveness of using technology in PAI learning. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. The approach used is a descriptive study. In qualitative approach research, the data is in the form of sentences or narratives obtained through qualitative data collection techniques. The research results explain that educational technology has a very important role in the learning process. With the existence of educational technology, it will certainly make learning activities easier, where educators will find it easier to transfer information to students and of course students will also more easily understand the information conveyed by educators. Educators need to understand how to apply educational technology well so that educational technology can be effectively applied in the learning process. Especially in Islamic religious education learning, educational technology must really be considered so that the use of technology can be in line with learning objectives that are based on the Al-Qur'an and Sunnah. </em><br /><br /><em><strong>Keywords :</strong> Effectiveness, Technology, Islamic Religious Education. </em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Untuk Kendaraan Baru Di Dusun Sialang Gatap Dan Darussalam Labuhan Batu Utara2024-07-16T15:44:51+00:00Abdul Ghoniabdulghoni2508@gmail.comMuhammad Nuh<p><em>Customs in society usually come from previos generation who have been practicing them forgenerations. The tradition of praying on new vehiclesin the hamlets of Sialang Gatap and Darussalam has been caried out for a long time. Local people often call is the Topung Tawar. We are allowed to carry out a tradition if it is in accordance with religiouslawa, namely based on two main guidelines, namely the Quran dan Hadith. This social phenomenon is studied and resesarched using living hadith resesarched, namely the application of hadith to tradition, customs of ther communities. Then we will look for brights spots from events in the field by adapting to the hadith of the propet Muhammad.</em></p> <p><br /><em><strong>Keywords :</strong> Tradition, Topung Tawar, Living Hadith</em></p> <p> </p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Dalam Animasi Riko The Series Musim 3 Dan Impelementasinya Terhadap Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter2024-07-16T14:50:36+00:00Khairul Ikhwan Khairulkhairull.iwan@gmail.comIlzamudin Ma’ Adpen<p><em>With the presence of the internet and YouTube applications can be a positive effect as well as a negative effect for children. The positive effect is to make children literate in technology from an early age, increase vocabulary in children, and make learning more fun. But there are also negative effects of watching the YouTube application, including: causing aggressive behavior due to watching violent content such as fighting, doing dangerous activities, and pornography. This research data consists of primary data obtained from the animated series Riko The Series season 3 Episode 1-13, five informants of SDN Semanan 04 Pagi Jakarta students with the initials SEF, AL, AR, KA, and NY and secondary data sourced from library books, journals, and internet websites related to the author's research theme. Moral education contained in this series includes morals towards Allah, Rasulullah, self, and fellow human beings, as well as the morals of the state. The five main character values highlighted, namely religion, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and integrity, are interrelated and inseparable. Riko and his family demonstrate attitudes such as dhikr, saying "Bismillah", caring for others, being independent in learning, and committing to honesty and responsibility. These attitudes have a significant positive impact in shaping the daily behavior of the audience, inspiring them to be more caring, independent, and have high integrity in living their lives</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords</strong> : Moral Education, Riko The Series Season 3, Strengthening of Character Education <br /></em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Dan Pencapaian Pendidikan Padamasyarakat Sumatera Barat 2024-07-31T13:23:44+00:00Wulandariwulandari.kubu@gmail.comJulhadijulhadi15@gmail.comRusydi<p><em>Religiosity is the dominant factor that determines the level of educational attainment in West Sumatra. Through literature study using the meta-analysis method of ten relevant international and national journals. Religiosity is seen as a potential factor influencing educational attainment in various cultural contexts, including in West Sumatra, which has a rich cultural and religious background. The meta-analysis method is used to integrate and analyse findings from various existing studies, with a focus on variables related to the level of religiosity of individuals or communities and their impact on educational attainment, such as academic achievement, learning motivation, and educational aspirations. The findings of this research are that religiosity factors influence educational attainment in West Sumatra, and there are implications for educational policy and social practice in the area. This research also provides a strong theoretical basis for further research in this area, and can be an important reference for decision makers in developing more inclusive and sustainable education strategies in Indonesia. </em><br /><br /><em><strong>Keywords :</strong> Religiosity, Education, West Sumatra.</em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Evaluasi Pembelajaran Perspektif Islam Berbasis Afektif 2024-07-16T15:19:06+00:00Akh.Bayu RifkiBayurifki72@gmail.comMan Arafahmanarafah27041998@gmail.comIsmail<p><em>This study focuses on how the Islamic view of reconstructing the educational evaluation method affects the affective aspect (attitude). The purpose and function of this evaluation are to measure not only academic achievement but also the development of students' character and morals in accordance with Islamic values. The research methods used include literature studies (library research). The results of this study begin by understanding the meaning of evaluation in Islamic education and the underlying principles. Furthermore, an affective-based research model that prioritizes the evaluation of students' attitudes, values, and ethics is described. The concept of educational evaluation from an affective Islamic perspective was then developed to provide a more holistic framework. This research shows that this approach can increase emotional and spiritual engagement, as well as support the internalization of Islamic values in daily life. The implications of this study emphasize the need for effective evaluation ideas and training for educators in implementing affective based evaluation.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong></em><em>Reconstruction, Evaluation, Islamic Education, Affective</em></p>2024-07-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam