Iqtiran: Journal of Quranic and Interpretation Studies
<p><strong>Iqtiran: Journal of Quranic and Interpretation Studies</strong> Is a journal that contains the results of studies or research on the scientific treasures of the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir from the classical to modern periods, both related to the history and traditions of the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir from the early to late periods, Al-Qur'an and Tafsir scholarship latest in the Islamic world. Special attention is given to works related to: Al-Qur'an Studies, Al-Qur'an Sciences, Living Qur'an, Al-Qur'an Studies in various regions of the world (Middle East, West, Archipelago and other areas), Methodology for studying the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir. This journal is published twice in the year (June and December) by Qur’anic and Tafsir Studies Programme IAI Miftahul Ulum Lumajang.</p>en-USIqtiran: Journal of Quranic and Interpretation StudiesANALISIS HISTORIS AYAT ‘IDDAH DAN KORELASINYA DENGAN HAK KELUAR RUMAH BAGI WANITA KARIR PASCA PERCERAIAN
<p><em>As time goes by, the Al-Quran and Hadith as the main sources of Islamic teachings have always become objects of study to reveal new meanings as answers to the rapid continuation of modern life. Not discussed in the discussion of verses relating to fiqh law, one of which is regarding the provisions for women during the ‘iddah period. In the context of the revelation of the verse regarding ‘iddah, it is certainly different from today, so it needs to be studied in more depth, such as regarding the provisions for leaving the house, dressing up (ihdad) and so on. In ancient times, women having a career was taboo, women were even looked down upon as second class in social life. Meanwhile, in the context of the modern era with the rise of social media, you can even post photos on social media without leaving the house, and quite a few even use effects to polish the images that will be distributed. This article will reveal the essence of the ‘iddah verses in the Koran regarding the law of leaving the house for ‘iddah women. This research is research library research by presenting Abdullah Seed's contextual theory as a supporting aspect of the study. In this article, it is found that the prohibition on leaving the house for ‘iddah women is not an integral aspect of ‘iddah itself, the essence of ‘iddah is that it is forbidden to marry within a predetermined time, while the prohibition on leaving the house and other aspects such as ihdad are completing the achievement of the initial essence.</em></p>Moh. Sirojul MunirRifai KurniawanSahroni
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<p><em>This research tries to examine the meaning of the Al-Quran as Syifa' (healer), as an influence on mental health or a solution to the sadness experienced by humans. In the verses of the Koran, there are many explanations of verses about the concept of controlling sadness, generally explained in the form of stories which, if read with tadabbur, will be a medicine for sadness. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method using the Mawdlui interpretation theory, by examining in depth the verses that specifically explain sadness. This research concludes that there are many ways to control the emotion of sadness, including; First, the awareness that every human being experiences sadness, even the Prophets, as stated in Yusuf's letter. Second, that reading prayer beads, dhikr and even praying fervently can eliminate feelings of sadness, as in Surah Al-Anbiya. Third, to reduce feelings of sadness is to not look at the luxuries of the world that other people have and realize that the world for believers is not something to be proud of, but rather the quality of their faith. Fourth, it is necessary to realize that when preaching, people are found who do not pay attention or even refuse invitations. This kind of thing must be understood and should not be a cause of deep sadness, because even the Prophet Muhammad, as the best creature, was also rejected by his people and even reviled as in Surah al-Kahf. verse 6.</em></p>Muh Gufron Hidayatullah
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<p><em>The universe is a vast empty space, in which there is both biotic and non-biotic life. So many experts or scientists are competing to carry out research on this universe. And in turn, this research produced a theory about the origins of the creation of the universe, one of the theories that is famous to this day is the big bang theory and the smoke theory. This theory states that nature began based on rock fragments which then coagulated into the earth, while the theory the second states that nature was created from a lump of acid. In this research the author uses library research to examine the relevance of this theory to the holy book Al-Qur'an. The research results show that the big bang theory developed by Edwin Hubble and the smoke theory are the same as those explained in the Koran, of course this is the basis that what the Koran conveys is relevant to modern scientific theory, however This theory is not merely to justify what has been conveyed by the Koran</em></p>Anisatu SholihaFatichatur Rochmah
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<p><em>This article describes descriptively the management at the tahfidz institution at the Ibnu Katsir Jember Islamic Boarding School. In the midst of the popularity of the Tahfidz boarding school, whose interest is increasing over time, quite a few have special ways of molding their students into hafidz and quality human beings so that they are useful for the wider community. This data was collected through document study, interviews and observation using analytical techniques. The results of this research show that the system implemented in Al-Quran learning at the Ibnu Katsir Islamic Boarding School emphasizes five things; First, the formation of a team of experts in the field of the Al-Quran who specifically regulates the tahfidh curriculum. Second, strengthening abilities in the field of religious knowledge through the study of the Yellow Book. Third, strict implementation of the curriculum, especially in the quality of memorization. Fourth, the Tahsin Al-Qiroah program which is held once a week to improve the quality of students' reading. Fifth, curriculum evaluation is also carried out regularly and on a schedule to continue to improve the quality of students. Apart from that, motivation is also continuously provided in various ways so that the students are able to put forth maximum effort, one of which is by providing free fees in the following semester for students who are able to exceed the target in the previous semester.</em></p>Viera Silvya
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2024-12-312024-12-31113643KONSEP INTEGRASI-INTERKONEKSI M. AMIN ABDULLAH (Implikasinya Bagi Pengembangan Studi Islam)
<p><em>Islam as a religion is demanded to always be relevant in responding to all challenges as well as problems that are always developing. In this way, Islamic scientists and thinkers are always trying to find an alternative in developing the Islamic tradition in order to solve this growing problem. M. Amin Abdullah is one of the leading Islamic thinkers who tries to develop scientific traditions in Islam, he introduces two approaches in the study of Islamic studies, namely the Normative and Historical approaches. In addition according to M. Amin Abdullah, in the study of Islamic studies, there is often a dichotomous pattern between religious knowledge and general science, such as psychology, sociology, history, economics and politics. To bridge the tension between the two sciences, M. Amin Abdullah introduced a concept called Integration-Interconnection, broadly speaking this concept intends to describe the dichotomous pattern of the two sciences, and that both sciences can be used in Islamic studies. In this study the method used is the Library Research method and also through a descriptive-analytic approach. The results of this study indicate that M. Amin Abdullah through his Integration-Interconnection concept has succeeded in bridging the two sciences of religion and general science which has been associated so far that the two sciences have different study directions. However, through the concept of Integration-Interconnection, M. Amin Abdullah tried to use the two sciences because according to him, the two sciences could not work individually and meant that they had to complement each other.</em></p>Mohamad Nur Wahyudi
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